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PF Move: Ancient Wind

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Ancient Wind
Type -type Category Origin PF
The user hits the target with a gust of mystical wind that eliminates the effect of the target's Ability.
Power0 Accuracy100 PP10
Priority0 TargetSingle Pokémon except user Signature moveNo
Contact: No
Blocked by Protect: Yes
Blocked by Magic Coat: Yes
Stolen by Snatch: No
Used by Mirror Move: No
Boosted by King's Rock: No
Sound-based: No
This move is similar to Gastro Acid.
Cancels the effect of the foe's ability, until the foe leaves battle.
This does not cancel effects and stat changes caused by abilities that are already present in battle, such as Drizzle.
This move has no effect on a plate-bearing Arceus.

Pokémon that learn Ancient Wind by level-up:

Pokémon that learn Ancient Wind as an Egg move: